Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Season 2: Invasion of Turkey: How Did I Get Here??

WOW! It has been quite sometime sense I have updated the world! Well, my travels have ended up in Ankara, Turkey this season and it almost didn't happen...

This summer was a mess for me to sum it up.  My knees were messed up from Spain I mean playing 7 months on a concrete-like surface is no good for the body.  I ended up having to go to therapy for 6 weeks thinking that would help my knees but it didn't work.  Plan B: minor surgery on both knees. Soooo I ended up getting a procedure done called the OssaTron Laser Surgery on both my knees.  I was good in about a month but the first time I worked out was mid August! So my summer was not a productive one for basketball BUT perfect for being girly!  For the first time in my life I grew my nails out (they couldn't break from basketball!) my feet finally looked nice (no blood blisters, an crust, and regular blisters from basketball) my hair grew completely out and it looked GREAT (didn't sweat out my perm from playing basketball!!). I'm getting off track but anyways all summer I didn't hear anything from my agent.  I would call periodically and ask is there any interest and the response "NOPE".  I was confused because I had a excellent year last year in Spain and I didn't even have interest from my league and I lead the league in rebounding!! So out of 32 teams none of them? none of them?? Nope none at all.  So time passing and my agent isn't telling me anything and its mid-september so I told my best friend (former teammate at Mizzou) Christelle N'Garsanet that I would go to the Ivory Coast, West Africa with her to play in a tournament in October.  So the day I am suppose to leave for Africa my agent up and calls and say "We have a job for you in Turkey we are working on the contract right now".

The team wouldnt wait for me to finish the tournament in Africa so by now I'm at the airport about to check in and I decided to come to Turkey at the dissappointment of my friend.  I had to do it though because the tournament is only a couple of weeks and Turkey is an entire season.  So I go home and on that Monday I got another call from my agent saying that I leave tomorrow.  I'm like you can't be serious.  I needed my hair done (that was the most important thing to me), and time to go run errands and pack for 7 months stay.  I was upset but I had no choice.  I found somebody to do my hair, it wasnt my usual hair dresser though. Did the best I could to say goodbye to whoever was around and I hopped on a plane didn't know where I was going, never saw a contract, all I knew is that I took a major pay cut and I was going to yet another 2nd division team (which both hurt my spirit).

Said Goodbye to my mom and my brother and I hopped on the plane...Let the Journey Begin!!!